Faith-Based Coaching
Church Leadership & Congregations

Working with church leaders and their congregation to find their passion and purpose and successfully grow an engaged church.

Who I am What I do

Would you like to move your congregation from “pew sitters” to individuals who are fully engaged in their faith community?

Is your church struggling to inspire strong participation by all members of your congregation? Does the bulk of the work fall on your staff and the same loyal volunteers?

Are there members of your church, who are looking for ways to help, but are not sure if their talents line up with the needs of the church? As you know all too well, that gathering volunteers can be an overwhelming job.

As you know all too well, that gathering volunteers can be an overwhelming job. Members of your church have a wide array of talents, knowledge and skill that can be utilized to grow an engaged church. Can you imagine being able to connect your members with the ministries that are aligned with their interest and talents? Can you see them growing in service and in their own faith journey?

Your church is not the only faith community that struggles with taxing the same volunteers for jobs they may or may not enjoy. This is a common concern for churches.

So, how do you get more members to help lighten the load? How do you tap into the many people of your congregation to give of their time, talent and treasure?

Schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call by using this link to my calendar:

Or better yet, just call me at 214-282-2367.

Let’s get started!

Half Day workshops and Full Day workshops

  • Strengths Based Leadership Development
  • Team Building
  • Strengths Development – one-on-one coaching

Those who work with a faith-based coach learn how to take necessary steps to have more of your parishioners participate in the mission of spreading the Gospel.

Step 1

Gather and organize the information about the volunteer opportunities available at your church.

Step 2

We will help your members by having them identify their God-given gifts.

Step 3

We will help your members understand the gifts they are stewards of and how they can use them to match their talents with the appropriate volunteer positions.

Let’s build the kingdom together by helping your church membership become more vital to your vision and mission by participating in volunteer work with meaning!

Women’s Ministries

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made:  Wonderful are your works; my very self you know.” Psalm 139:14

There are so many challenges in our roles as women! It’s easy to get discouraged trying to juggle all the pieces and find the meaning in the chaos.

How much easier would it make your life if you better understood your own talents, and perhaps those of your husband, children, family and friends? Would it make you more understanding and more tolerant of yourself and others? Maybe help you find peace and contentment within the role that God has ordained for you?  Be a more supportive partner, mother or friend?

As a Faith-based Coach, it’s been my privilege to work with some amazing women, to help encourage, motivate, inspire and uplift them into an awareness of who they are in God’s eyes. I have been honored to speak to and work with women’s ministries, mom prayer groups and women’s organizations to help unlock all of the gifts God has given each of us as a steward to use. So, whether we work together one-on-one or you enlist me to speak to your group, I’d love to celebrate with you the amazing possibilities of being a woman!

Women’s Workshops & Coaching:

  • Strengths Based Workshop
  • One-on-one coaching

Strengths-Based Parenting

Our children will do their best when they get to use their talents every day. What’s more, when parents apply their own individual talents and strengths, parenting becomes more fulfilling — and their children will experience success. There are no easy answers in parenting. But by not only knowing and understanding your own talents and strengths — as well as your children’s talents and strengths — you can learn how to best apply them with your children, you can better understand your children’s needs, as well and help them build a foundation of strengths.

Parenting Workshops:

  • Practical advice on how to set kids up for success
  • Parenting strengths, styles and partnership
  • Children’s talents and strengths

Schedule a Discovery Call

Finding the right coach can be difficult.  One of the best ways is for us to visit for thirty minutes.  I have a limited number of weekly Discovery Calls.  During the thirty minute visit, we will spend time getting to know each other to see if we are a good fit.  Start by scheduling a discovery call right now.

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